About Jurapartner

Jurapartner A/S is a consultancy company with focus on advertising law, Legal Risk Management and legal aspects of new technology, including in particular electronic commerce. Jurapartner A/S is fully owned and managed by Associate Professor, Ph.D. Jan Trzaskowski.

Jan Trzaskowski

Jan Trzaskowski is Professor, Ph.D. at CBS LAW of Copenhagen Business School. He has dealt with legal aspects of new technology since the mid 90's.. He has been involved in numerous private and public initiatives concerning legal aspects of new technology, including information technology and electronic commerce.

Jan Trzaskowski is a popular and competent lecturer and an active writer of both scientific and popular works. He has been teaching at Danish and foreign universities since 1996. External assignments (lectures and legal work) are mainly carried out through Jurapartner A/S.

Further information, including a Curriculum Vitae, can be found at www.legalriskmanagement.com.